• Have you ever seen a bedbug? Anyone ever asked what do bed bugs look like? Moreover bedbug sightings in the U.S. used to be rare, and now more than ever your answer is probably yes. It is important to pay close attention to signs of bed bugs. A small issue can quickly turn into a bed bug infestation.

    Consequently, Bedbug infestations are increasingly seen in apartments, hotels, healthcare facilities, dorms, shelters, schools and public transportation.

    Moreover, bed bugs “hitchhike” more easily than ever, via public transportation and luggage, and in secondhand furniture, mattresses, bedding and clothing.

    Additionally, in multi-unit buildings, bed bug infestations that are not adequately attended to often spread between units with or without human help, and making abatement much more difficult and costly.

    As a result, Bed bugs can survive more than a year without feeding. However, most adults and nymphs do not live more than six months without feeding.

    What are bedbugs and what harm do they cause?

    It may sound creepy but they feed on the blood of animals and humans. Their appearance in color is brown and they are small and flattened.

    Adult bedbugs grow to about 3/16" in length and can be mistaken for ticks, roaches or other household pests.

    "Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite" was a wise admonition and for good reason.

    Bedbugs tend to be more active at night and and prefer to hide close to where people sleep. Because their bodies are flat, they can fit into tiny spaces such as the creases in mattresses and box springs.

    Although it is very unlikely disease is transmitted to humans from bedbugs.

    Their presence can have a negative impact on a person's emotional health and well being.

    When experiencing a bedbug infestation, people can suffer with anxiety, stress, sleeplessness and embarrassment.

    To get more detailed information on the process, visit the Environmental Protection Agency.

    To learn more about how to remove a bedbug infestation, contact Rid Alert at 773-922-9442 there's help.